Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not My Best Mooment

I turned 51 a few weeks ago and three days after that my mother turned 89.  Common sense and reality deserted me in my 51st year and so I went to visit my mother on both days filled with expectation and hope.  On neither day would she open her eyes and look at me.  I sadly took her presents back home, to save for a day when she was more here than there.  I spent time with her last Saturday.  I ended up opening her gifts, holding them up close for her to see, putting them away carefully for another day.

As I usually do, I put my hand on hers and on this day she was having none of that...she recoiled and gave me a nasty look as she leaned forward to scratch me.  I ducked, just barely.   In the next moment she called me a cow!!  In the moment after that, I stuck my tongue out at her...yeah, you heard me.  Not my best moment.  It occurred to me as I was sitting across from her, in all the wisdom of my 51 years with my face contorted and tongue a-hanging.... oh yes siree, I'm all growed up.  She stared blankly at me for a long moment and then blinked very slowly as she turned her head and looked away.  As always was the case, it seems she had the last word after all.  I shook my head, uttered a feeble mooooo and ambled from the room.


  1. ...and not your worst, I'm guessing.
    Sometimes the best you can be is in how the other person sees you at that time. She won't remember the exchange. You will, but don't beat yourself up for it. Keep the expectations and hope for another day. Your mom is worth it.
